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Southern Air Repair was established in 1997, by two aviation pioneers looking to better serve the airline industry. For an industry struggling with fuel costs and other problems, the wise old owl may provide some solutions. Owl Myths and Folklore. The owl holds an important place in the folklore of a variety of cultures throughout history. But how do owls fly silently in the first place? But does this noise-reducing design have a place in your next airplane flight? Owls have extra vertebrae in the neck that allows for this rotation. The combination of silent flight and head rotation packs a mean punch to anything on the next rung on the food chain. Typically, there are three forms of botulism: You can get it by eating food that is already contaminated with the toxin (foodborne botulism); the bacteria can develop and produce the toxin in the still-developing intestines of babies who ingest botulism spores (infant botulism — mature digestive systems eliminate these spores before they can do any damage); or the bacterial spores can enter the body through a wound, germinate, and produce the toxin (wound botulism).

Lilley works in conjunction with the Quiet Aircraft Technology project within the Vehicle Systems Program located at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va. In commercial applications, all piping systems are labeled. Its backers are confident that the system will work as promised. Lung problems: Next to our skin, our respiratory system is often the second most commonly affected organ to suffer from air pollution. When most birds fly, turbulence – created when air gushes over the surface of their wings – causes noise. Show tanks tend to be taller than regular tanks, thus providing a larger front glass area to view the fish but a smaller surface area. Owls have broad wings with large surface areas that help them to float through the air without flapping too much. Keeping your colors bright may not be the first thing on your mind when you wake up in the morning, and we hope you’re not losing too much sleep over it at night, but unless you’re going for that comfortably faded look, there’s no denying that clothes look their best when the colors are crisp and new.

Hard water leaves a yellowish and muddy look on the clothes. They look to the design of owls’ wings to reduce the noise created by aircraft while keeping takeoff energy efficient. Years later, he’s as much a fan of the bottle’s design quality as he is of its sense of humor: “It’s so thick and wide that you can’t knock it over,” he says, adding that the spout closes with an “audible click that really works.” Indeed, while you can find variations of this design online, this one has a convenient straw spout that makes it extra easy to drink from. But don’t conflate the two; while both species share the name “hippo,” they lead very different lives. Some species of owls can rotate their heads 270 degrees. Geoffrey Lilley, a professor emeritus of aeronautics and astronautics at the University of Southampton in England, studies owl flight and the ways it can help aeronautics.

Few creatures are surrounded by as much myth and mystery as the owl. Many myths developed to explain this mystery. Let’s learn just what’s behind the mystery. Owls’ secondary feathers are made up of soft fringes that reduce turbulence behind their wings. As the owl flies, the trailing fringe and tattered feathers break sound waves over the wings as air flows over them. Researchers propose the possibility of creating retractable fringe to mirror owls’ trailing feather. For the owl, this fringe reduces turbulence and noise. For instance, Apaches believe that if you dream about an owl, death may be soon to follow. Take, for instance, the jerboa. Less flapping makes less noise. Airports like Chicago O’Hare and Heathrow have strict noise restrictions on aircrafts take-off. In 2005, Iraqi insurgents ambushed a British C-130K transport shortly after take-off from Balad airbase. It helps this nocturnal creature sneak up on its prey.