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1,600 local units in all fifty states; Washington, D.C.; and Puerto Rico, and at numerous overseas United States Air Force installations. As cadets progress through the program, they are given additional responsibility for scheduling, teaching, guiding and commanding the other cadets in their units. Senior members are members who joined CAP for the first time past the age of 18, or who are former cadets who transferred to the senior member program, which must happen by the cadet’s 21st birthday. Members also provide their communities with resources for better management of airports and other aviation-related facilities and promote the benefits of such facilities. The U.S. Congress stated in the Recruiting, Retention, and Reservist Promotion Act of 2000 that CAP and similar programs “provide significant benefits for the Armed Forces, including significant public relations benefits”. There are several programs for CAP pilots to improve their flying skills and earn Federal Aviation Administration ratings.
Courses covering the space program, and new technologies and advances in aviation and space exploration, are also available. Other technologies include biomass energy from organic materials, hydronic heating systems that circulate hot water or liquids for heating, and ice-powered air conditioners that use frozen water to reduce peak daytime electricity use. Reverse osmosis systems work by using pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane of pore size 0.0001 microns, which is 620,000 times finer than a human hair, 10,000 smaller than a red blood cell, 2,500 times smaller than bacteria and 20 to 500 times smaller than any virus. If your serpentine belt snaps and you are miles from help, what might work? Finally, remember the utilities that might be adjacent to your property — sidewalks, curbs, right-of-way areas and so on. Rather, members are responsible for paying annual membership fees and must pay for their uniforms and other related expenses. Senior members who do not meet the weight and grooming standards of the United States Air Force may wear alternative uniforms known as CAP Corporate uniforms. The only physical requirements senior members must follow are the weight and grooming standards required to wear the United States Air Force-style uniforms.
Members may enter retired status after twenty years of service. Unlike the regular armed forces, where it is possible to enter either directly as a commissioned following completion of some form of officer training (service academy, college ROTC, or OCS/OTS, etc.), or enlist and eventually advance to non-commissioned officer or petty officer status, a CAP cadet must be promoted through every CAP cadet enlisted grade to achieve the rank of CAP cadet second lieutenant. The professional development program consists of five levels, corresponding with grades from second lieutenant to lieutenant colonel. Except for a few exceptional cases, senior members are promoted to the grade of CAP colonel only upon appointment as a Region Commander, responsible for overseeing multiple states, or Wing Commander, responsible for the administration of CAP units across an entire state. Officer grades up to lieutenant colonel reflect progression in training and organizational seniority, rather than command authority. Civil Air Patrol, with grades E-5 (CAP staff sergeant) through E-9 (CAP chief master sergeant) available, after completion of Level 2, Part one of Senior Member training. The Volunteer University provides education and training to CAP senior members through modules and instruction, replacing the previous system including the: Officer Basic Course, Squadron Leadership School, Region Staff College, and National Staff College.
There is no upper age limit, nor membership restrictions for physical disabilities, due to the number of different tasks which members may be called on to perform. Senior membership is open to all U.S. Senior members may study aerospace through the Senior Member Professional Development Program. Additionally, senior members with specific civilian professional qualifications may be awarded grades based on their professional qualifications. The Red Cross, Salvation Army and other civilian agencies frequently request Civil Air Patrol aircraft to transport vital supplies including medical technicians, medication, and other vital supplies. Cadets also have educational opportunities through museum tours, National Cadet Special Activities, military and civilian orientation rides, and guest speakers. Cadets may complete paperwork, command other cadets, and teach at weekly meetings and at weekend and summer events. It is not unusual for a cadet officer to command an encampment of hundreds of junior Cadets. A cadet starts as a cadet airman basic and is promoted as he or she completes each achievement. To complete an achievement, a cadet must pass a physical fitness test and two written tests, one for leadership and one for aerospace education.