Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader: Science Edition!

While CAP is chartered by Congress and is the auxiliary of the Air Force, it is not an operating reserve component under the United States Air Force or the federal government. In addition, CAP members are covered by the Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA) in the event of injury while participating in the mission. At the national level, cadets are allowed to participate in the National Blue Beret program, where they help support operations during the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh event. As part of recognition of CAP’s service to the USAF, however, senior members in the grade of second lieutenant and above are allowed to wear the “U.S.” collar insignia as an official part of their dress blue uniform. Cadet ranks are shown by epaulets, metal grade insignia. Airman Battle Uniform (ABU) – the digital tiger stripe style United States Air Force field uniform, which was phased out by the USAF in 2021, with dark blue name tapes, silver text, metal insignia on the collar for enlisted grade cadets, and cloth insignia for cadet officers and senior members. By some estimates, psoriasis affects 1 out of every 50 people.

People with diabetes insipidus also have a heightened dehydration risk, but this is not linked to high blood glucose levels. Many people love the taste and texture of almond milk and prefer the flavor over regular cow’s milk. Soak a white blotter (about the size of the stain) in the solution and place it over the area. Corporate Service Dress Uniform – a dark blue blazer jacket worn with a white shirt, gray trousers, and a CAP or United States Air Force tie. Blue Service Uniform (Class B) – identical to the service dress uniform, except without the dark blue jacket. United States Air Force-style uniforms: Service Dress Uniform (Class A) – the United States Air Force’s service dress uniform, consisting of dark blue trousers, light blue shirt with tie, dark blue jacket, and a flight or service cap. Upon earning the Mitchell Award and the grade of cadet second lieutenant, a cadet is eligible for promotion the rank of airman first class (E-3) upon enlistment in the United States Air Force.

Cadets that transfer to the senior member side between the ages of 18 and 20 receive the grade of flight officer (if the highest cadet award earned was the Mitchell), technical flight officer (if the highest cadet award earned was the Earhart) or senior flight officer (if the highest cadet award earned was the Spaatz) after completion of Level 2, Part one of Senior Member training. If the cadet waits until their 21st birthday, at which point they are required to transfer to the senior member program, they are eligible for the grade of second lieutenant (if the highest cadet award was the Mitchell), first lieutenant (if the highest cadet award was the Earhart), or captain (if the highest cadet award was the Spaatz). Aerospace education members (AEM) are formal or informal educators at the kindergarten to grade 12 level (K-12) at schools, youth organizations, and libraries. These members are eligible to receive K-12 books, STEM kits, and student materials. USAF-style uniforms may be worn by all cadets under age 18, and by cadets over age 18 and senior members who meet height and weight standards set by CAP’s uniform manual. Uniforms are categorized in CAP’s uniform manual by the environment in which the uniform is to be worn or the work to be accomplished.

The AEM does not belong to, or attend meetings of, a local squadron, nor wear a uniform. CAP members wear the same uniforms as active duty, guard, and reserve members, but worn with distinctive emblems, insignia, and badges to identify them as CAP members; these are categorized as “USAF-style uniforms”. Cadets over 18 years of age can still participate in military orientation flights, and some CAP wings have flight academies where cadets can learn to fly. Corporate Flight Duty Uniform – a dark blue version of the one-piece flight suit made of Nomex or cotton material. This is worn by CAP flight personnel only. All CAP members are required to render military courtesies to all members of the US military and those of friendly foreign nations; however, as CAP officers are not commissioned by the President of the United States, military personnel are not required to render military courtesies to CAP personnel, though this can be done as a courtesy.