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Native to Africa, it is referred to by several names including curly bamboo, Chinese water bamboo, ribbon plant, Sander’s dracaena, Belgian evergreen and Goddess of Mercy’s plant. The cast-iron plant, also called the aspidistra elatior or bar room plant, is a species of flowering plant, indigenous to Taiwan and Japan. Ficus is a genus of nearly 900 species of trees, vines, shrubs, epiphytes and hemiepiphytes. Tradescantia, also known as spiderwort, is a genus of 75 species of wildflowers which come in shades of bright blue, white, pink or purple. Arrowhead is a genus of widely distributed perennial herbs comprised of at least 28 species. Peperomia is a genus of the pepper family with over 1000 species of annual and perennial herbs which are found in tropical and subtropical regions. Snake plant, also called Sansevieria trifasciata, mother-in-law’s tongue or viper bowstring hemp, is a species flowering plant indigenous to West Africa. Spider plant, also called chlorophytum comosum, is a species of perennial flowering plant indigenous to tropical and southern Africa.

It is known by many names such as ribbon plant, airplane plant, hen and chickens, St. Bernard’s lily, and spider ivy. It is also known by many names including Nephrolepis exaltata, tuber ladder fern, and the fishbone fern. Asparagus fern is the collective name applied to several plants of the genus Asparagus. The Boston fern is a species of fern found in the humid forests and swamps of South America, Central America, Mexico, Florida, the West Indies, Africa and Polynesia. Elephant’s ear is the common name for the species of the caladium genus which is grown for its root vegetables. Heart of Jesus, also known as caladium and angel wings, is a genus of tuberous herbaceous plants. They are cultivated for their bi-colored, papery-thin foliage which may be heart or lance-shaped with red/green, pink/green or silver/green coloration. It produces small, edible fruit and is commonly grown for its foliage which varies from light green to dark green coloration. They are known for their attractive foliage, which consists of oval-shaped, thick, fleshy leaves and small, densely packed flowers on a slender spike. They are native throughout the tropics, though some species are indigenous to the temperate regions of southwest Asia and the Mediterranean region.

The Kentia palm, also known as the howea forsteriana or thatch palm, is a species of flowering plant of the palm family. Lucky bamboo, formally called Dracaena sanderiana, is a species of flowering plants of the family Asparagaceae. A majority of the species produce narrow sword-shaped leaves, short-ring stalks, red, yellow or green flowers and a berrylike fruit with one to three seeds. The species are known for their brightly colored, five-petaled blossoms which come in shades of white, yellow, deep orange, red, pink and purple. Parlor palm, also called chamaedorea elegans and neanthe bella palm, is a species of small palm trees indigenous to southern Mexico and Guatemala. Can you tell us what this house plant is called? Clean up: It may be obvious, but a clean house is a healthy house. Grinders should be thoroughly cleaned at least weekly, using a stiff brush like a toothbrush or stiff bristle paintbrush to clean the grinding plates, and a clean soft rag to wipe down all parts. Some can lead to lung diseases like emphysema. The whitewashed walls and red-tile roof of a cottage can be seen in the distance through the tree trunks, just as patches of blue sky can be glimpsed through the branches, simulating the visual experience of a walk in the woods.

Traditional heating systems in restaurants can work effectively, especially in large premises with big open doors. Aloe vera can be found in beverages, lotions, cosmetics and ointments for sunburns. They are found in the coastal mountains of southeastern Brazil and are known for their pink, tubular flowers. They are identified by their long stem, strap-shaped leaves and white, pink or purple flowers. The flowers are made of five thick, waxy triangular-shaped petals (white, pink, yellow, orange or dark red) with a star-shaped corona in the center. Arrowheads grow in shallow lakes, ponds and streams and are identified by their arrow-shaped leaves, three rounded petaled flowers and achene fruits. Philodendron is a genus of flowering plants with nearly 450 species, many of which are cultivated as ornamental and indoor plants. Native to South Africa, amaryllis is a small genus of perennial flowering bulbs, of which there are only two species, amaryllis belladonna and amaryllis paradisicola. Peace lily is the common name for the genus spathiphyllum, of which there are 40 species. Anthurium, also known as the flamingo flower, tailflower or laceleaf, is a flowering genus of nearly 1000 species. Dracaena is a diverse genus of the Asparagus family with over 100 species, many of which are native to Africa.