Shotover Jet Boat Queenstown

In 2005, students from the Helsinki University of Technology developed a system that translates hand movements into electric guitar sounds, resulting in a functional air guitar. Ejection seats are just one part of a larger system called the assisted egress system. As we learned on the previous page, sprinkler heads are connected to a system of pipes in the walls or ceiling of a room. Aquarius is unique and special, not because we aren’t all unique or special, but because they are steadfast in protecting that individuality in the face of distraction and change. Galileo, Rosa Parks, Bob Marley, Yoko Ono, Oprah Winfrey, and Paris Hilton are a few famous Aquarius suns. A few famous Gemini suns include Paul McCartney, Marilyn Monroe, Kanye West, Prince, Awkwafina, Josephine Baker, Tupac Shakur, and Angelina Jolie. Just as the blooms begin to burst, preparing for their great summer expansion, Gemini season evokes the vibrant social butterfly within. Blakely, Rhys. “Paddling in rivers this summer could make children ill, warns Whitty”.

In order to make any trip to Mars, scientists must first understand what astronauts would be up against. Many Airmen and Guardians learn how AFAS can help through referrals from Military Family Readiness Centers, Commanders, First Sergeants and Supervisors. This week Parliament passed the first reading of legislation introducing criminal sanctions for cartels. Though the Kempeitai is sometimes equated with the Gestapo or secret police, that description is more accurately applied to the Kempeitai’s civilian counterpart, the Tokkou keisatsu, which combined criminal investigation and counter-espionage functions. In fact, this sign has more social obligations than there are hours in the day, which is precisely why it needed to clone itself. But why? Well, properly inflated tires mean less friction on the road. Libra often leans into superficiality, not necessarily out of a lack of depth but because it’s often easiest to meet others on the surface. Our identity is ever-changing, constantly in flux – Gemini just leans into that inherent duality a little harder and less abashedly than everyone else. Chatty and curious, Gemini loves gathering and disseminating messages, gossip, and information. Each of them expresses curious, clever air energy in a different way – let’s explore. Sure, Venusian energy can manifest as a shallow obsession with appearances, but it can also embody a deep understanding of the most grand and abstract measures of beauty – rhythm, poetics, and the golden rule.

Often, their willingness to meet everyone else’s needs to manifest a sense of equilibrium can be self-abnegating. Aquarius is concerned with the bigger picture, the large-scale concepts that dreams are made of but can seldom be contained in waking reality. If Gemini relates to social connections and Libra relates to partnership, Aquarius takes a giant leap into humanitarianism. Unlike Gemini and Libra, they do not appreciate small talk. The small talk we engage in on elevator rides and supermarket checkout lines is a strength for Libra, who understands that those brief interactions can alter the course of a day. Those three air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. But Aquarius is most definitely an air sign; in fact, it plays an incredibly important role within the collection of air-sign archetypes. How do you cook steak in an air fryer toaster oven? Think of our intellectual and communicative air signs as experts in the ephemeral, the things of this world that lack physical form. Because of this, experts leave some oil spills alone. It’s the details you leave out when your grandfather asks how life in the big city is over Christmas dinner. Sometimes that duality is terrifying, but more often than not, it’s a beautiful strength and survival skill.

Agriculture has great potential for water saving by improving efficiency through more precise and focused irrigation and by breeding plants for drought tolerance. You’d probably know if it’s leaking but, just in case, check around its base for signs of water. Oh, and all that nonsense about Geminis being two-faced liars is true – but it’s something that we all do on some level. It’s an impossible reality, but that doesn’t stop Libra from seeking that ideal. Their triumphs and scandals would be impossible without the collaboration of others and their distinctive appreciation for the beauty in the world. Aquarius is a fixed sign – occurring in the middle of winter – meaning that it’s hardened against outside influence and uncompromisingly set in its beliefs. In modern astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet associated with innovation, revolution, and rebellion. Ruled by Venus, the planet associated with love and beauty, Libra is extremely attuned to aesthetics.